Monday, January 3, 2011

The new year begins off the eastern coast of  New Zealand, the next place on earth to experience New Year and the sound of Fireworks is the Eastern part of Australia with Time Zone – AEDT .

Most of the world is attuned to a New Year that begins on January 1st at 12:00am.
Astrologers would also consider the Aries Ingress, when the Sun starts it’s journey at the beginning of the Zodiac around the 21st – 22nd March every year.  Astro charts are looked at for this moment to consider the flavour of the year ahead and what it brings with it. It is nevertheless interesting to do this for the dawn of 2011.

The first very interesting point is that all major planets are in direct motion, no retrogrades, which seems like an indicator of a fast paced , action packed  year of getting on with it and feeling like things are finally moving ahead  and seeing progress in many areas. After the frustrations of the last year 2010, many will feel a sense of release as Jupiter and then Uranus move into Aries, late January then mid March, consecutively.

In Melbourne Australia  the year begins with a tight conjunction of the Moon and Venus both at 23 degrees Scorpio, intensity, and compelling connections, money making agendas and passionate interactions are on the cards. With  a good connection to Jupiter and Uranus, expect the unexpected and big events and developments in areas to do with loved ones, unloved ones and your need to perhaps change attitudes to money and partners. Jupiter and Uranus which will be exactly  conjunct in just a few days, add to the passionate and unforgiving movements to move you  to change and a more invigorated self. In Australia the value of our dollar will surely rise.

The Moon moves away from Venus during the course of New Years night, and will be in Sagittarius by the time New Year is celebrated on the west coast of  the USA, Canada and the Americas. This gives a clue for great leaps forward, the future is the most important thing now, keep your eyes on what’s ahead and how to make it happen. A balsamic Moon phase adding to nituring the seeds of the next cycle.

Venus also is in square aspect to Neptune and Chiron, oh the pain, the pain that’s has been eating away at us in so many different ways, may be the last stab we need to get us out of situations no longer good for us.

Venus now close to her most westerly  elongation as a morning star, being west of the sun in the eastern sky, exact on January 8th  is another indicator of being  stretched to the max. Mercury in Sagittarius helps us think ahead and not dwell on the past,  with Mercury rising before the Sun, a promethean attitude will help all to get on with it.

If you’ve been feeling like your commitments, your challenges, your achievements have  not been enough, respected, justified nor encouraged, with five planets in Capricorn and Mars in square aspect  to Saturn, this year will most certainly spur you on to jump ship or make positive movements to be more fulfilled and inspired, to act on your own behalf, to do things because you have the right to and to implement a more confident attitude about yourself and what your capable of.

All the above  will reflect in a world feeling and acting out the same,  people ready to make moves and act. With Uranus lining up at most Cardinal ingresses throughout the year at zero Aries, the place of complete , fresh and new beginnings, this year will be full of unprecedented change and a spirit of moving on and getting on with it. Enough of the complaining, the watching, the sensing and the noticing  of what’s been happening in the world around us, contemplating what needs to change. Now we just have to do it, no stopping the move to change in whatever shape that comes in.

In  a few days on Jan 4 an eclipse at 13 Capricorn intensifies the need to stand up and make a difference in the world around You, and the world around Us!. We can’t help and see how our leaders are hopeless at implementing, peace, equality and justice in our world. Is it time to change our focus on those we deem in charge and responsible, as their corrupt agendas reflect. We can do more ourselves no doubt, consciousness, awareness does and will reflect our leaders, and the next decade will certainly see many rises and falls, coups and revolutionary actions taken  as we ask for more inspired, useful , trusting and caring leaders to govern our world.

Ceres at 29 Capricorn , highlights the fate of Gaia, she’s in a bit of a mess, and in at an unstable degree, indicating more major earth hiccups and further wake up calls. Also in close contact to Uranus and Jupiter, the instability is accentuated.

Wherever you are in the world take on these thoughts and be encouraged to change, make moves to change your life in whatever way you need to.

From a global perspective, the line up of Planets in Capricorn together with an eclipse, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius and Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Libra all add to a theme of collective change, and building a better and fairer system. We are the creators and the shapers  of our common future and we all have the right and the responsibility to act accordingly. The material world we have built and the systems in place that ensure it’s workings are in for global transforming. We are all active global citizens and play a crucial role in this transformation. When we start doing this we take away the control that governments and money making elitist groups have over us, then we will see the change that we are wanting.

All the best for the New Year everyone!

For more info on the next few months and 2011 - see our You Tube Report -

Julija Simas
for the C*I*A