The Nodes of the Moon change signs tonight ushering in another new phase in our quickly changing world. We now move into the mutable signs of Sagittarius for the North Node, and Gemini for the South Node. The North Node represents where we are all heading, and the South Node where we have come from. A new spirit of enquiry and reforming the moral code somehow, is upon us. The word "Transparency" - comes to mind as we make following the core truths of our being a major focus and priority in our lives personally and globally.
This is right now accentuated by the Jupiter - Pluto square and the rulers of the nodes will now be Jupiter and Mercury, as Saturn and the Moon ruled the last nodal cycle. The last 18 months have been very intense indeed. Jupiter and Mercury - expand our minds, our thinking our beliefs in what is possible! Careful of what you listen too and take in especially from the media, the hype and the garbage that is constantly fed to us. Consider where Mercury and Jupiter live in your own chart and where they will transit over the next 18 months.
Go to the right source for your information and help move ourselves out of this predominantly gullible and ignorant world. Seek the truth, know the truth, be the truth and follow your own instincts which the Sagittarian wildness is very good at, the spirit of life's adventure and being our own Guru will help us all find the way.
<span>Gemini South Node - Sagittarius North Node</span>
Past - Future
Learn from the past - Believe in the future
Relearn - Refocus
Ignorance - Truth
Inquisitive - Determined
Local - Global
Logic - Philosophy
Curiousity - Knowing
Black/White - Rainbow
Student - Guru
Learning- Wisdom
Gullible -Knowledgeable
Flexible - Dogmatic
Brother - Tribe
Neighbourhood- Cross Cultural
Brotherhood - Rascism
Exoteric- Esoteric
Also consider the years of 1992 and 1993 as this was the last time the nodes moved through these signs. Our next series of eclispes will now happen in June at 11 Gemini Solar and 24 Gemini/Sag- Lunar, with one still in Cancer in July. The North Node will also be conjunct the Galactic Centre this Equinox, a time that heralds the year ahead, therefore indicating that a huge source of inspiration is available to us all. So lets try and make the most of it.
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