Saturday, December 11, 2010

"In our individual lives- and collectively- we go round and round in a circle traced out for us by planets and stars. But if we can become conscious of these circles, if we can become conscious of the activity of the stars and planets in our lives in a most intimate way, then we are, no longer trapped by them. We may rise above them, we are moving now not in a circle , but in an upward spiral. "

Jonathan Black - "The Secret History of the World"

Monday, December 6, 2010

With a New Moon spawned just hours ago in the Truth be known sign of Sagittarius, the quote
"let Truth be the Authority, not Authority be the truth" (Zeitgesit Movie 2007) - seems to say it all. As Mercury and Pluto conjoin in Capricorn, governments panic at the escapades of Julian Assange, as the unlawful and corrupt agendas are revealed, and all we want is the Truth. Let this be a sign of something in your own life, where you may not be saying it how it is, or not knowing what you think you should rightfully know. Dig deep to demand honesty and truth in your own life. Free yourself and others around you with this strong and liberating energy as Uranus now stations to move forward again.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

 The Sagittarian Sun aligns with the fixed star Antares today, the Heart of the Scorpion, in the constellation of Scorpio. What lurks behind the real issues is very prominent in the world today, what drives us to seek the truth, reveal the hidden agendas that don't suit what lies in our Hearts. Antares a great big red star, often reffered to as the Rival of Ares because of it's colour, reminds us to focus on where we see red. Alarm bells, warning signs and signals abound with Venus also in the sign of Scorpio. Passion and Red go together. Consider what your passionate or inflamed about, look and feel deeply and don't ignore what's really on your agenda. A Libran Moon accentuates the an Anti-Ares attitude and helps things get sorted out, meaning - staying cool, calm and collected,  works wonders.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

With the Virgo Moon opposite Jupiter and square Mars, as Venus steps into Scorpio there is a bit  of an edge as irritable feelings may surface. Be careful about what is said and done today, it may not go exactly how expected,  some things may be blown out of proportion or taken the wrong way.   Expect the unexpected as the Moon then opposes Uranus and squares Mercury. Out of the blue, left field, truths come to light. Take these cosmic squares today as signs to sharpen thoughts, wrench out feelings and create some long coming changes in your life. Changing your mind about a few things as they come to light, has a purpose today.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Remedios Varo. The Call 1961

Mercury aligns with the Galactic centre at 27 Sagittarius. The Galactic centre is the point in our galaxy of which our Sun revolves. It represents, knowledge, wisdom and the streaming of messages from beyond the planetary sphere. Think beyond and above your situation as though looking down on it from above to gain a clearer and more inspired perspective. Some things just can't be worked out with the same old thinking, methods and attitudes. Take this galactic opportunity to stream some meassages from beyond. Sit quietly, close your eyes and imagine as the picture shows above, a cosmic flow of inspiration channellling into your rational brain. The Moon in Virgo, is capable of sorting out these messages from beyond and helps with clearing up the picture and any peripheral fuzziness.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Liutas" (Lion) - MK Ciurlionis 1907

With the Moon in Leo and the silly season approaching, perhaps a good time to let worries go for the weekend and let one's hair down. Leo reminds us of being happy, happy to be ourselves, without anyone's expectations and controls. Therefore, enjoy and celebrate being YOU for a change. Happy selves are reflected and attract happy others, and also spread happy vibes. One of the great keys to the Law of attraction is a positive flow of energy. As the Moon aspects Mars and Mercury, think energy flow and if it ain't flowing properly, unblock where necessary.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Bob Marley's song "Could you be loved" seems to say it all today. The mood of the song is however uplifting. Have a dance and make your body happy at least. As the Moon squares Venus, trines Uranus and Jupiter, 
inconjuncts (150degrees) Mercury and Mars  and Neptune and Chiron on the otherside, lots to grapple with, but read below and you'll get the message.

Don't let them fool ya,
Or even try to school ya! Oh, no!
We've got a mind of our own,
So go to hell if what you're thinking is not right!
Love would never leave us alone,
A-yin the darkness there must come out to light.

Could you be loved and be loved?
Could you be loved, wo now! - and be loved?

(The road of life is rocky and you may stumble too,
So while you point your fingers someone else is judging you)
Love your brotherman!
(Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?
Could you be - could you be loved?
Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?
Could you be - could you be loved?)

Don't let them change ya, oh! -
Or even rearrange ya! Oh, no!
We've got a life to live.
They say: only - only -
only the fittest of the fittest shall survive -
Stay alive! Eh!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Vezys- MK Ciurlionis 1907 - Lithuania

The Moon in Cancer, deepens all we are feeling. As Mercury now squares up to jovial Jupiter, our thoughts turn to doubts as we are now confronted with the "how to" of our great escape idea. The determination is there but the logistics perhaps not yet, keep at it, brainwaves come at times of stress and crisis too. As the Moon squares Saturn we might realize, others aren't really going to help with what it is we are after and doing it on our own is strengthening and empowering - right!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sagittarius - What are you aiming for ?
SAULYS- MK Ciulionis 1907 - Lithuania

With Venus and Saturn rising before all other planets at the moment, we can use this as an indicator that justice and any inbalance in your life of relationship, is still up front in our minds and hearts. The goddess Ceres in square to Saturn reminds us of all the commitents we have and some which may not be all that just or fair. With the Sun now in Sagittarius for the next 30 days a spirit of independence and doing things "my way" want to take over. Keep at it, as the Gemini Moon opposes Mercury and Mars, and aspect Saturn and Venus, some confrontations will help to shift pent up energy and help with getting closer to where you want to be. You do however, have to know what your aiming for .

Monday, November 22, 2010

Gemini - MK Ciurlionis -1907

After an intense weekend, with the Full Moon having peaked and the Moon now in Gemini, a sigh of relief and a lightening attitude helps us to think of how to bridge the gaps. All planets are moving in direct motion now, except for Uranus, and there's still a bit of a hold up. As we move to move on, we don't want to hurt poeple, we don't want to be seen as being too crazy nor unreal, and most of all we are sick of being the ones that bend all the time for everyone else. Be bold, be brave to claim, what's yours, what you've worked hard for, hard on as others complicate your life. With Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius, words , thoughts and actions have power and with the Moon in Gemini, communicate with others(and your other self) where it is you are heading.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Many things happen today, good signs indicating the shifts in gear we have been contemplating are about to start happening. As the fiery Moon aspects eager Mercury and Mars in future oriented Sagittarius, we get a sense of things about to start moving ahead. Jupiter and Venus stand still for a moment, before moving forward, as though taking in a deep breath to still themselves, a centering before taking on what is to come. A welcome relief as we all take en guard positions and are ready to move too. Just be patient for a day or two. As the Sun now nudges Uranus,  whatever momentum has been restrained in you is now getting ready for action.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

As the Moon moves into Aries, a square aspect to Pluto makes wanting to move out, up and over some situations is harder than we'd like.  The Sun moves to square up to Neptune and Chiron reminding us that the changes we are after, have much to do with being prepared to live differently and on the fringes of society if we have to. Many moulds and expectations of what we are supposed to do, don't fit. Be prepared to break the mould and then you can be free enough to move around how your supposed to.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quite a few alignments today give one a better sense of what's going on and how to deal with things. Mars and Saturn the most determined of the bunch, speak like friends to each other and help clear up the picture. The Sun aligns with Jupiter and the Moon joins the party, great energy for feeling more up than down, use this opportunity to make a decison of what can stay and what needs to go. This combination seeks freedom, but retains so much memory, pain and drama if it wants to. How good are you at seeing and seeking a fresh new inspired start? Be your own Guru.

Monday, November 15, 2010

As Venus edges ever closer to be nudged by the Agent of change Uranus, some issues that have been bugging you come to a head. If nothing much has changed in regard to balancing out a few glitches that have been making you uncomfortable, like fairness and equality in relationship, perhaps your attitude to your bank balance, equality issues amongst friends or even a long lost dream that you've just remembered you forgot. These next few days offer a good chance to get something done about it. Now's a good time to let it out and get on with it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

With the Sun aligning with Jupiter over the next few days it is important to ask yourself,  deeply, honestly, what you truly believe about what's possible in your life. If things aren't quite panning out the way you would like right now, take Jupiter on as your guide. What we take in as the truth and what we truly believe about what's possible in our lives, ultimately creates the world around us. Jupiter's capacity to bring more enjoyment  and prosperity into your world comes ultimately from how your taking it all in.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

With a busy Mooon in Aquarius today ,  tis a good day to remember your intentions, and consider those  thoughts about future directions. From a consolidation with reality master Saturn, a passionate reminder from Sun in Scorpio and then a melding with healers Chiron, Neptune and Venus,  the tunnel of the future is illuminated. It is imperative today to make sure you can still see the light.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Daily Rhythm

One week left with Venus retrograde. As things feel that they may be lightening up a touch, it seems important to still push a few issues that are not quite sorted. With the fire energy of Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius you do know what it is that's bugging you so best to go with that feeling and do something about it, with the Sun still in Scorpio the time is now. You'll be freer and happier next week when your determination pays off.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Daily Cosmic Rhythm

The two most reddish bodies in our skies align over the next few days at 9 degrees of Sagittarius. Mars and the fixed star Antares. You may be able to see them in th evening sky. Antares known as Anti- Ares/Mars is the heart of the constellation of the Scorpion. What burns away inside us right now that doesn't seem quite right, cannot be dealt with in the usual manner. The usual stance won't work!