Saturday, December 11, 2010

"In our individual lives- and collectively- we go round and round in a circle traced out for us by planets and stars. But if we can become conscious of these circles, if we can become conscious of the activity of the stars and planets in our lives in a most intimate way, then we are, no longer trapped by them. We may rise above them, we are moving now not in a circle , but in an upward spiral. "

Jonathan Black - "The Secret History of the World"

Monday, December 6, 2010

With a New Moon spawned just hours ago in the Truth be known sign of Sagittarius, the quote
"let Truth be the Authority, not Authority be the truth" (Zeitgesit Movie 2007) - seems to say it all. As Mercury and Pluto conjoin in Capricorn, governments panic at the escapades of Julian Assange, as the unlawful and corrupt agendas are revealed, and all we want is the Truth. Let this be a sign of something in your own life, where you may not be saying it how it is, or not knowing what you think you should rightfully know. Dig deep to demand honesty and truth in your own life. Free yourself and others around you with this strong and liberating energy as Uranus now stations to move forward again.