Monday, January 31, 2011

Year of the Metal Rabbit, New Moon Aquarius 3rd February 2011

12 years ago there was a Rabbit, it was made of Earth and we stockpiled food in fear of Y2K. This year there will come a Metal Rabbit – resilient, tough and only malleable with fire and will. We will see a world of people continuing to stand up in protest to protect their homes and families, their rights, their common needs. Although, could we just sit quietly near a babbling freshwater brook away from the madding crowds, away from fear and angst, away from war and hate and just munch happily on organic carrots.  Peaceful protests, now wouldn’t’ that be nice!

On Feb 3rd the 13th Moon of the Chinese calendar denotes the start of the New Year, this Year will be the year of the Metal Rabbit, sometimes also know as the Year of the Cat. What are Rabbits and Cats good at? They are highly perceptive and sensitive creatures, sniffing, sensing and always alert. This year the element belongs to Metal, no fluffy white rabbits this time around.

The year has already started as the “Year of the People” as some say, as many uprisings, coups, protests continue around the globe. The chinese years repeat every 12 years and in a series of five elements for two years at a time. Last year was the Metal Tiger, another Metal - now Rabbit, and 2012 will be the Water Dragon, followed by the Water Snake.

The elements begin with Fire - then Earth -Metal -Water-Wood. A truly magical continuous cycle of 5 elements of creation and destruction. As :

Fire creates Earth
Earth creates Metal,
Metal creates Water,
Water creates Wood
Wood creates Fire.

The destructive version comes for any year, from the element two ahead. So in the case of Metal.
Metal can only be destroyed by Fire,
Fire by Water,
Water by Earth,
Earth by Wood,
Wood by Metal.

It's a bit like a scissor, paper, rock game. This year Metal destroys Wood, as Wood represents communication, information and sharing ideas, as in the western idea of the Air quality. Seems quite fitting as a world demands more truth and networks tirelessly building on global awareness.  Perhaps for the first time we notice some results, as we did last year too, also a Metal year, as uprisings in Iran and now Eygpt are fueled by interactions on Twitter and Facebook. Communications have turned into communi-actions.

So every 12 years we have the same animal and every 10 years the same element for two years, but only every 60 years do we get a repeat of the element and the animal together. 12 years ago we had a year of the Earth Rabbit, the element before Metal,  but 60 years ago we had a Metal Rabbit,  bringing us back to the years 1999 and 1951.

What was happening in your life 12 years ago gives a small clue as to the type of year ahead for you this year. 12 years ago also coincides with the 12 year Jupiter cycle. 12 years ago Jupiter was also transiting Aries but not until May, therefore activating a certain part of your own astrology chart at that time. I know myself I started Astro studies for the first time, after many years of my own personal research and studies I decided I needed formal training and classes as there was only so much I felt could teach myself. Jupiter transited my own Aries Jupiter during that year. As Jupiter expands and enriches our experiences, have a look back 12 years ago to remind yourself.

60 years ago in 1951, the world was familiar with the president Harry Truman, Winston Churchill,  the Korean War,  and China as an aggressor against Tibet. Although the United Nations was formed a year before, the world was not at peace. Sadly 60 years later it seems like we haven’t moved too far along.

The Astrological Chart for this New Moon, also tells us a few things about the flavour of the Year of the Metal Rabbit. As we can see Jupiter – is still squaring the karmic Nodes, where are we all heading, where have we been, what does it all mean? These are the top questions in our mind. It’s decision time, moving forward and getting on with what must be done is imperative.  

The line up of Aquarian planets with a New Moon surrounded by Mars and Ceres, as the earth continues to be shaken by cyclones and volcanic eruptions, seems so symbolic of the uprisings of the earth’s people too.  Mars and Ceres ensure that people will be very focused on finally taking action, uprisings, protests and coups, as the Uranus and Pluto square gets tighter. With Jupiter in Aries and with Uranus soon moving into Aries March 12, and Neptune into Pisces mid April, the power of the masses will be unstoppable.

Venus in Sagittarius aligns to Mercury by semisextile,  Neptune by sextile, Uranus by square and Saturn by quintile (72 degree), putting a huge spotlight on "what we want". Being determined, Mercury in Capricorn, knowing what we want (Venus), not letting go of the dream, the ideal, (Neptune) taking and making radical change (Uranus) and  keeping this focus, Saturn rewards us by allowing it to happen, as the quintile represents a magical coming together. A clear picture of what we want, what we are fighting or standing up for is the key, as it seems evident and clear already to many what the world needs to get back on track.

Metal is strong and only malleable by fire, inspiration and spirit. Rabbits usually hop right away from danger and threat, we don’t want war, we want peace. We want food, shelter, water for ourselves and family, we want happy villages, organic carrots and fresh fields to roam in and most of all we seek truth from the top. The rabbit now wears Metal armour, we are more prepared to stand up for these things.

As we all move into this New Year, keep an eye on the end of the tunnel and what it promises. In 1951, 60 years ago,  Disney’s "Alice in Wonderland " was released, wouldn’t we all just love to go down the rabbit hole and escape to a better world. But as the white rabbit tells us, he has something very important to do, and must not be late, and the Metal Rabbit tells us to put on that metal coat, no fluffy stuff this year as we all get on with the Freedom, Peace and Justice quest.

Julija Simas for the C*I*A
Jan 2011

For more detailed personal astro analysis and chart readings please contact  Julija for effective, inspirational astrological guidance and advice.

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