Photo - Min Simans -
floods Melbourne Feb 5th 2011
2011 is a big year for planets changing signs. This week Chiron the comet like asteroid, now reclassified as a Centaur, discovered in 1977 moves into Pisces. Chiron, a maverick centaur, half man, half beast, wise teacher of heroes and warriors, with a deep eternal wound in his thigh, has come to be known as the archetypal Wounded Healer. Chiron moved into Pisces last year briefly, and just days after this first ingress, most of us felt an incredibly deep wound fill our world as we heard of the unstoppable Mexican Gulf oil disaster. I remember hearing it being called a “spill” week after week, being totally astounded that it was being called a spill when it was clearly a catastrophe, spills can be cleaned up with a wettex. This wound was terrifying to all of us that care about the universal ocean, Pisces, our life giving support.
This time Chiron moves to stay in Pisces until 2018. As Chiron has an extremely elliptical orbit it spends different amounts of time in a zodiacal sign. With the longest time of 8 years in the sign of Aries and only 1.6 in the opposite sign of Libra. This move to Pisces, is the next shift on the planetary agenda, as next Uranus will move out of Pisces and into Aries and then Neptune too follows Chiron into Pisces in April 2011.
These significant succession of ingresses to Aries and Pisces, highlights Aries beginnings, and endings Pisces. A seed germinating and forming - Pisces, followed by the sprouting and the birth of new life - Aries, the coming out of the universal ocean. This image is best described as a baby moving from mothers womb, to life out of the womb and breathing on its own. What are we as a collective germinating now? Uranus is about to leave Pisces, it has done a fine job of churning up the universal psyche, alerting us all to how interconnected we are and the universal cause to change how things have been. Uranus ensures that big changes and shifts are on the way when he moves out of Pisces and into Aries on March 11/12th. Now Chiron moves back to this fertile and destructive place Pisces, destructive because as Pisces germinates the seed of the future, it also destroys what is no longer necessary for the next cycle. We can all feel how important it is to have an idea of the future, what will it be, what is it we need to do? We also sense and feel anxious about what will unfold. This will be Chiron’s role in Pisces, to make us sense all the fear, the dread, the hope, the waste, so we can get on with fixing things somehow and tend to the obvious and not so obvious wounds.
Chiron into Pisces is about the lessons that we still must learn, about the continual scaring and damage of the planet and the earth around us, as we continue to complain about climate change, rising water levels, pollution orpeak oil. As Chiron has been in Aquarius for the last 7 years, these wounds have been dressed with words and language and the growing skills of social networks building awareness. Now we asked to add a more spiritual focus to our world, the lessons and the learning are to come from the universal idea that all is one, our world belongs to all and a more instinctive connection to our environment is what Chiron alerts us to. This is what the healing is all about. What environments are our childeren growing up in? How do our societies breed the standards and values that our children grow up in? To grow up with the idea that I am better than he, I deserve more than he does, I want to grow up and be rich and have loads of money. Or can we have faith that values and attitudes are slowly changing. Pisces is extra sensitive to its enviroment and Chiron will help us bring a more passionate, compassionate and caring embrace to a world and it’s people and the toxic greedy mess.
As Astrological consultants, we help people understand the pain of life and living by a good analysis of Chiron in their own lives, alerting them to learn from the past, integrate the pain of living, understand and how best to cope with their own mortal coil. When we translate this to a global scale, it becomes quite frightening. What we have to face up tos eems quite scary. Does it mean some things we want to and need to change can never be changed, things on planet earth have been scared for life and the reality of knowing that, hurts. It hurts and is deeply alarming.
This will be a trying time as we find it so hard to give up our dependencies to oil, to plastic, to being wasteful, to the overuse of pharmaceuticals to heal, to money, to power. The Economy is not Economic* and there are so many other great imbalances, problems and issues within the world and its people and the environments we have created. We are about to embrace and relearn so much. Our common future depends on how we can heal, cleanse and move to a more spiritually guided way of living. We may try and hide, but there is nowhere to hide. Pisces is a sign that loves to ignore that which it is not passionate about, or loves to escape that which may be too hard to deal with, but Pisces also has the capacity to give so much, to give itself over to forces beyond itself for the good of all. Together Pisces and Chiron through pain and suffering lead eventually to enlightenment, a clearer picture and a deeply healed and spiritual place firstly within, then without.

When we look at the Ingress chart, the timing of Chiron moving into Pisces shows some significant signs as to how Chirons passage through Pisces will unfold over the next 8 years. Mars and Sun are in trine aspect to Saturn, this indicates a relentless urge to fight for change all the way, sticking to the fight, determined, strong and rewarding if we don't give up or give in 'cause its too hard. There is a strong focus on those that lead or will take charge. The Moon is opposite Saturn, this is what people want, real change, not just talk, they are prepared to stick to the plan, and stand up against strict regimes that don't change with the times. Eris, the goddess of discord stands close by to the Moon too, this warrior Princess and with the Moon in Aries too, denote a bunch of people getting on with it, real action and real change. Uranus at the end of Pisces alerts us to the instability of the years ahead.
Chiron is well aspected to the karmic nodes, north and south, it shows the global priority to healing the planet, where we have been and where we are going is clearing up, the healing of the planet is a priority, Yeah! Ceres, Mercury and Neptune also with Sun and Mars all still in rational Aquarius, our common goals and visions of the future are strong and fixed and really need to be.
Jupiter is in square aspect to Venus and closely aligned with the asteroid Vesta. I take note of the asteroids and new dwarf planets when they are closely aligned to a planet or planets. In this case Vesta- the goddess of the hearth represents focus and indeed a spiritual one. Venus represents what we want, what we love, our values and our value systems. With the connection to Jupiter and Vesta, a focus on the truth is a big issue here, but also spiritual truth. Pluto is close by too, transforming our deep set truths about what's poosible and what is most need in this world, is a long and deeply organic process . It will be worth it in the end. We will no doubt see more focused women take charge and become more prominent in transforming global priorities, as both Venus and Vesta align with the North Node, we definitely need a more feminine approach to healing our scarred planet.
In your own personal journey this Pisces transit of Chiron, will bring all further access to deep healing, and eventually finding a deeper, more spiritual connection of what it means to be a global citizen, together with all it's problems. As global astrology informs us of the universal shifts taking place around us, we know that we learn so much from one gradual shift to the next. Chiron was in Pisces 50 years ago, but the world was not ready for what it is now, it was not as aware, and was not about to shift as strongly as it will be over the next 10 years or so.
With Chiron moving from Aquarius to Pisces, we know we have integrated and understood the global agenda, the cause, and now as we germinate the seeds of the future with Chiron’s time in Pisces, it is vital that we do not repeat the same mistakes. What we will be doing is learning to live somehow with the mistakes we have made and finding ways to move on with a greater purpose, a more enlightened spiritual quest and implement change based on past regrets. Chiron and Pisces are both known for sacrifice, Chiron for taking on the punishment of the renegade Prometheus** to finally free himself of his eternal wound, we all have to be prepared to give up something or alot through this vital phase of human evolution.
Julija Simas
Feb 2011
*“The Economy is not Economic” - From "Moving Forward” 2011 – Zeitgeist Movie-
Watch here - well worth the 2.5 hours - great information especially the first half, alerting us to the big scars in our societies, what we grow up thinking and believing and how the enviroments that we grow up in continue to shape our world, and if our enviroments aren't healty neither are we. Must watch!
Only released 3 weeks ago. More on Chiron from a personal perspective - Download