Jupiter moved into Aries on Sunday 23rd Jan 2011, 4:11 am AEDT. After the intensity of the full Moon it’s a welcome relief as we begin to feel tensions ease.
With the Sun now in Aquarius our focus moves to the future, enough of dwelling on the past and being so responsible, somehow we all know that we do that already and we’ve had enough of other people constantly ruling our lives, right! We can so easily blame others for our setbacks, complain about how impossible it is for us to follow our dreams, or we are so attached to routines that we can’t seem to get out of them. Well now with Jupiter flying through Aries a great opportunity has presented itself to go ahead and get on with it..
So look ahead and get on with the journey, the quest for never ending self-fulfilment. That is what Jupiter asks for, expanding our horizons, enriching our experiences, moving with what drives us and doing what we believe is right and true. In Aries Jupiter seems quite wild and unstoppable, Aries fosters an adventurous spirit, an urge for new beginnings, starting projects . There’s been enough time spent contemplating, wondering and procrastinating. Jupiter’s time in Aries is like a Drive Thru, spending only 5 months in Aries, the opportunity is short lived but we can utilise these flamboyant energies to seriously move on with life's great adventure.
Jupiter spent a short time in Aries last June, July and August, but it’s expansive qualities were squashed by tensions and t - squares to Saturn and Pluto, this will happen again, not as a T-Square, but with an opposition to Saturn and a Square to Pluto, giving us a chance to experience one tension at a time. Of course that all depends on how your own astrology chart configures to these transits. On 26th Feb, Jupiter squares Pluto at 7 degrees Aries - Capricorn, a time when moving forward can be very much held up with a change in attitude to what we believe is possible. Perhaps a sense of fear as we may feel that things won’t be so easy to achieve unless we get past the issues of feeling justified in our quest. A month later on March the 29th we have the final opposition of Jupiter to Saturn at 14 Aries - Libra – great! This consolidates that the quest is real, and however hard you’ve worked seems to pay off and show some reward, that is if you have managed to be realistic about things. Otherwise this tipping point is like a hold up, saying get real or you can’t go on.
Speaking of possible hold ups due to Saturn's opposition, it seems quite fitting also, that just a few days after Jupiter move s into Aries, Saturn turns retrograde and stays that way for Jupiters' stay in Aries. Another signal that this is a chance to get it right, hard work pays off, make sure whatever your planning or thinking of, is very real, pie in the sky attitudes will just fall down.
Speaking of possible hold ups due to Saturn's opposition, it seems quite fitting also, that just a few days after Jupiter move s into Aries, Saturn turns retrograde and stays that way for Jupiters' stay in Aries. Another signal that this is a chance to get it right, hard work pays off, make sure whatever your planning or thinking of, is very real, pie in the sky attitudes will just fall down.
The chart above shows what we call an Ingress chart, the timing of Jupiter’s entry in Aries, and astrologers look at these charts to consider the flavour of a planets stay in a sign. Jupiter in this Chart squares the Nodes, the point in a chart that represents the past and the future, karma and life's quest. As Jupiter squares these points we are reminded that this quick journey through Aries is about consolidating future plans, and being confronted to leave the past behind, incorporate it's wisdom and move forward with what we've learnt and exeprienced. Jupiter at this point suggests a few hold ups as we impatiently just want to move forward, the past however can never be erased.
The Moon in Virgo is a clue here to clean up our act. A sign that sorting, sifting and tidying up some mess in our lives will help with gaining the freedom and the full experience of this Jupiter transit. The Moon here is aligned with Mercury and Pluto, showing that there are some very strong and compelling energies around to help us transform our thinking and change our minds about what’s most important, no longer being scared to act upon them. If you’ve been having a hard time concentrating and streamlining thoughts and ideas, the opportunity is now being channelled.
With Sun, Mars and Ceres in early Aquarius and Chiron and Neptune still in late Aquarius, we are being called to work together. Although Aries is a lone type of energy, with Mars the ruler of Aries being activated by Jupiter during this time in Aquarius reminds us hat the Aquarian spirit is strong. The spirit which carries us has a strong sense of wanting to help build fairer, equal and more balanced communities, sustainable and resourceful economies and new energies that support Gaia, not rip her to shreads. This is a call for all of us to ask, demand and expect these sorts of things as normal parts of life and living here on earth. The earth belongs to all of us, not those that can afford to buy it up. With Pluto in Capricorn for 15 years this is a long term goal, one that has already started and is part of our common quest. Add these ideas and thinking into your own personal quest, act as a responsible global citizen and see how much better that can make you feel.
Interestingly Venus in this chart in Sagittarius seems like a very fitting placement also as we think of the next few months. Venus in Sagittarius is adventurous and seeks the truth too. What we want is to be honest with ourselves and be guided by our own inner truth. We will all find it hard to be around others that don’t have an adventurous or enlightening spirit about them, we are not wanting to get caught up with negative and pessimistic attitudes and people if possible.
What could be more important than following the truth right now, from the inner to the outer, as the world around us and its' people stand up for what’s right. Jupiter is now an evening star big and bright in the evening sky, a good vision to contemplate as we consider our own quest for truth and what it means to live a more fulfilling life. Jupiter’s move into the beginning of the zodiac gives us all a chance to get on with it however wild or radical the ride may seem, we all need to fight for truth and justice, so put on the right boots, hang onto your hat, enjoy the ride and most of all make the most of it!
Julija Simas for the C*I*A
Jan 2011
For more info on the next few months and 2011 - see our You Tube Report -
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