Thursday, March 3, 2011

North Node - Sagittarius - South Node - Gemini

The Nodes of the Moon change signs tonight ushering in another new phase in our quickly changing world. We now move into the mutable signs of Sagittarius for the North Node, and Gemini for the South Node. The North Node represents where we are all heading, and the South Node where we have come from. A new spirit of enquiry and reforming the moral code somehow, is upon us. The word "Transparency" - comes to mind as we make following the core truths of our being a major focus and priority in our lives personally and globally.

This is right now accentuated by the Jupiter - Pluto square and the rulers of the nodes will now be Jupiter and Mercury, as  Saturn and the Moon ruled the last nodal cycle. The last 18 months have been very intense indeed. Jupiter and Mercury - expand our minds, our thinking our beliefs in what is possible! Careful of what you listen too and take in especially from the media, the hype and the garbage that is constantly fed to us. Consider where Mercury and Jupiter live in your own chart and where they will transit over the next 18 months.

Go to the right source for your information and help move ourselves out of this predominantly gullible and ignorant world. Seek the truth, know the truth, be the truth and follow your own instincts which the Sagittarian wildness is very good at, the spirit of life's adventure and being our own Guru will help us all find the way.

<span>Gemini South Node - Sagittarius North Node</span>
Past - Future

Learn from the past - Believe in the future
Relearn - Refocus
Ignorance - Truth
Inquisitive - Determined
Local - Global
Logic - Philosophy
Curiousity - Knowing
Black/White - Rainbow
Student - Guru
Learning- Wisdom
Gullible -Knowledgeable
Flexible - Dogmatic
Brother - Tribe
Neighbourhood- Cross Cultural
Brotherhood - Rascism
Exoteric- Esoteric

Also consider the years of 1992 and 1993 as this was the last time the nodes moved through these signs. Our next series of eclispes will now happen in June at 11 Gemini Solar and 24 Gemini/Sag- Lunar, with one still in Cancer in July. The North Node will also be conjunct the Galactic Centre this Equinox, a time that heralds the year ahead, therefore indicating that a huge source of inspiration is available to us all. So lets try and make the most of it.

More about Julija and Consultations please visit

Julija 0417 988 512
Or email

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Be your own Guru - Sun, Mars, Mercury in Pisces

MK Ciurlionis - 1907 - Lithuania
Zuvys- Pisces

This week The Sun moved into the sign of Pisces followed by Mercury and on Feb 23rd UT Mars.

Pisces is a feeling sign, perceptive, intuitive, dreamy and imaginative. Being at the end of the zodiacal cycle, no wonder it has these correlations because by this stage of the year we could all do with a bit of escapist time out. Pisces the 12th sign is the last phase of the astrological year, the phase that germinates the seed , the potency and quality for what is to come for the next 12 month cycle. The Sun here enlightens the journey that will be and nurtures precious new beginnings. With Mercury and Mars here too, we are asked to pay extra attention to what it is we are germinating and conditioning as part of the next cycle.

Is it fearful, anxious or full of promise hope and love? This phase is akin to a baby and its conditions in the womb, feeling loved, sensing all, feeling safe and nourished or is it the opposite?

For the rest of the article please go here....

Friday, February 18, 2011

New Moon in Leo - Feb 18th UT

This week on Friday the 18th UT there will be a full Moon at 29 Leo , with the Sun opposite at 29 Aquarius.

It will be the 5th and last full moon in a row at the 29th degree .Phew!

A Full Moon seems to put all on edge as emotions are heightened and tensions build and some of us feel even a bit looney.

A 29th degree Moon seems to heighten these sensations, as everything is just that little bit more on edge.Everything’s been on edge lately with Uranus also at the last degrees of Pisces ready to burst out to freedom and a new life. By the next Full Moon in Virgo - Pisces, Uranus will have burst out into Aries and the full moons will have passed their cycle at the 29th degree. A welcome relief, but first we have to get through the next month.

For the rest of the artcle please go here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chiron enters Pisces - Feb 8/9 2011

Photo - Min Simans - 
floods Melbourne Feb 5th 2011

2011  is a big year for planets changing signs. This week Chiron the comet like asteroid, now reclassified as a Centaur, discovered in 1977 moves into Pisces. Chiron, a maverick centaur, half man, half beast, wise teacher of heroes and warriors, with a deep eternal wound in his thigh, has come to be known as the archetypal Wounded Healer. Chiron moved into Pisces last year briefly, and just days after this first ingress, most of us felt an incredibly deep wound fill our world as we heard of the unstoppable Mexican Gulf oil disaster. I remember hearing it being called a “spill” week after week, being totally astounded that it was being called a spill when it was clearly a catastrophe, spills can be cleaned up with a wettex. This wound was terrifying to all of us that care about the universal ocean, Pisces, our life giving support.

This time Chiron moves to stay in Pisces until 2018. As Chiron has an extremely elliptical orbit it spends different amounts of time in a zodiacal sign. With the longest time of 8 years in the sign of Aries and  only 1.6 in the opposite sign of Libra. This move to Pisces, is the next shift on the planetary agenda, as next Uranus will move out of Pisces and into Aries and then Neptune too follows Chiron into Pisces in April 2011.

These significant succession of ingresses to Aries and Pisces, highlights Aries beginnings, and endings Pisces. A seed germinating and forming - Pisces, followed by the sprouting and the birth of new life - Aries,  the coming out of the universal ocean. This image is best described as a baby moving from mothers womb, to life out of the womb and breathing on its own. What are we as a collective germinating now?  Uranus is about to leave Pisces, it has done a fine job of churning up the universal psyche, alerting us all to how interconnected we are and the universal cause to change how things have been. Uranus ensures that big changes and shifts are on the way when he moves out of Pisces and into Aries on March 11/12th. Now Chiron moves back to this fertile and destructive place Pisces, destructive because as Pisces germinates the seed of the future, it also destroys what is no longer necessary for the next cycle. We can all feel how important it is to have an idea of the future, what will it be, what is it we need to do? We also sense and feel anxious about what will unfold. This will be Chiron’s role in Pisces, to make us sense all the fear, the dread, the hope, the waste, so we can get on with fixing things somehow and tend to the obvious and not so obvious wounds.

Chiron into Pisces is about the lessons that we still must learn, about the continual scaring and damage of the planet and the earth around us, as we continue to complain about climate change, rising water levels, pollution orpeak oil. As Chiron has been in Aquarius for the last 7 years, these wounds have been dressed with words and language and the growing skills of social networks building awareness. Now we asked to add a more spiritual focus to our world, the lessons and the learning are to come from the universal idea that all is one, our world belongs to all and a more instinctive connection to our environment is what Chiron alerts us to. This is what the healing is all about. What environments are our childeren growing up in? How do our societies breed the standards and values that our children grow up in? To grow up with the idea that I am better than he, I deserve more than he does, I want to grow up and be rich and have loads of money. Or can we have faith that values and attitudes are slowly changing. Pisces is extra sensitive to its enviroment and Chiron will help us bring a more passionate, compassionate and caring embrace to a world and it’s people and the toxic greedy mess.

As Astrological consultants, we help people understand the pain of life and living by a good analysis of Chiron in their own lives, alerting them to learn from the past, integrate the pain of living, understand and how best to cope with their own mortal coil. When we translate this to a global scale, it becomes quite frightening. What we have to face up tos eems quite scary. Does it mean some things we want to and need to change can never be changed, things on planet earth have been scared for life and the reality of knowing that, hurts. It hurts and is deeply alarming.

This will be a trying time as we find it so hard to give up our dependencies to oil, to plastic, to being wasteful, to the overuse of pharmaceuticals to heal, to money, to power. The Economy is not Economic* and there are so many other great imbalances, problems and issues within the world and its people and the environments we have created. We are about to embrace and relearn so much. Our common future depends on how we can heal, cleanse and move to a more spiritually guided way of living. We may try and hide, but there is nowhere to hide. Pisces is a sign that loves to ignore that which it is not passionate about, or loves to escape that which may be too hard to deal with, but Pisces also has the capacity to give so much, to give itself over to forces beyond itself for the good of all. Together Pisces and Chiron through pain and suffering lead eventually to enlightenment, a clearer picture and a deeply healed and spiritual place firstly within, then without.

When we look at the Ingress chart, the timing of Chiron moving into Pisces shows some significant signs as to how Chirons passage through Pisces will unfold over the next 8 years. Mars and Sun are in trine aspect to Saturn, this indicates a relentless urge to fight for change all the way, sticking to the fight, determined, strong and rewarding if we don't give up or give in 'cause its too hard. There is a strong focus on those that lead or will take charge.  The Moon is opposite Saturn, this is what people want, real change, not just talk, they are prepared to stick to the plan, and stand up against strict regimes that don't change with the times. Eris, the goddess of discord stands close by to the Moon too, this warrior Princess and with the Moon in Aries too, denote a bunch of people getting on with it, real action and real change. Uranus at the end of Pisces alerts us to the instability of the years ahead.

Chiron is well aspected to the karmic nodes, north and south, it shows the global priority to healing the planet, where we have been and where we are going is clearing up,  the healing of the planet is a priority, Yeah!  Ceres, Mercury and Neptune also with Sun and Mars all still in rational Aquarius, our common goals and visions of the future are strong and fixed and really need to be.

Jupiter is in square aspect to Venus and closely aligned with the asteroid Vesta. I take note of the asteroids and new dwarf planets when they are closely aligned to a planet or planets. In this case Vesta- the goddess of the hearth represents focus and indeed a spiritual one. Venus represents what we want, what we love, our values and our value systems. With the connection to Jupiter and Vesta, a focus on the truth is a big issue here, but also spiritual truth. Pluto is close by too, transforming our deep set truths about what's poosible and what is most need in this world, is a long and deeply organic process . It will be worth it in the end. We will no doubt see more focused women take charge and become more prominent in transforming global priorities, as both Venus and Vesta align with the North Node, we definitely need a more feminine approach to healing our scarred planet.

In your own personal journey this Pisces transit of Chiron, will bring all further access to deep healing, and eventually finding a deeper, more spiritual connection of what it means to be a global citizen, together with all it's problems.  As global astrology informs us of the universal shifts taking place around us, we know that we learn so much from one gradual shift to the next. Chiron was in Pisces 50 years ago, but the world was not ready for what it is now, it was not as aware, and was not about to shift as strongly as it will be over the next 10 years or so.

With Chiron moving from Aquarius to Pisces, we know we have integrated and understood the global agenda, the cause, and now as we germinate the seeds of the future with Chiron’s time in Pisces, it is vital that we do not repeat the same mistakes. What we will be doing is learning to live somehow with the mistakes we have made and finding ways to move on with a greater purpose,  a more enlightened spiritual quest and implement change based on past regrets.  Chiron and Pisces are both known for sacrifice, Chiron for taking on the punishment of the renegade Prometheus** to finally free himself of his eternal wound, we all have to be prepared to give up something or alot through this vital phase of human evolution.

Julija Simas
Feb 2011

*“The Economy is not Economic” - From "Moving Forward” 2011 – Zeitgeist Movie-
Watch here - well worth the 2.5 hours - great information especially the first half, alerting us to the big scars in our societies, what we grow up thinking and believing and how the enviroments that we grow up in continue to shape our world, and if our enviroments aren't healty neither are we. Must watch!
Only released 3 weeks ago.

**More on the story of Prometheus and Chiron.

More on Chiron from a personal perspective - Download

More about Julija and Consultations please visit
For more info on the next few months and 2011 - see our You Tube Report -
Julija 0417 988 512
Or email

Monday, January 31, 2011

Year of the Metal Rabbit, New Moon Aquarius 3rd February 2011

12 years ago there was a Rabbit, it was made of Earth and we stockpiled food in fear of Y2K. This year there will come a Metal Rabbit – resilient, tough and only malleable with fire and will. We will see a world of people continuing to stand up in protest to protect their homes and families, their rights, their common needs. Although, could we just sit quietly near a babbling freshwater brook away from the madding crowds, away from fear and angst, away from war and hate and just munch happily on organic carrots.  Peaceful protests, now wouldn’t’ that be nice!

On Feb 3rd the 13th Moon of the Chinese calendar denotes the start of the New Year, this Year will be the year of the Metal Rabbit, sometimes also know as the Year of the Cat. What are Rabbits and Cats good at? They are highly perceptive and sensitive creatures, sniffing, sensing and always alert. This year the element belongs to Metal, no fluffy white rabbits this time around.

The year has already started as the “Year of the People” as some say, as many uprisings, coups, protests continue around the globe. The chinese years repeat every 12 years and in a series of five elements for two years at a time. Last year was the Metal Tiger, another Metal - now Rabbit, and 2012 will be the Water Dragon, followed by the Water Snake.

The elements begin with Fire - then Earth -Metal -Water-Wood. A truly magical continuous cycle of 5 elements of creation and destruction. As :

Fire creates Earth
Earth creates Metal,
Metal creates Water,
Water creates Wood
Wood creates Fire.

The destructive version comes for any year, from the element two ahead. So in the case of Metal.
Metal can only be destroyed by Fire,
Fire by Water,
Water by Earth,
Earth by Wood,
Wood by Metal.

It's a bit like a scissor, paper, rock game. This year Metal destroys Wood, as Wood represents communication, information and sharing ideas, as in the western idea of the Air quality. Seems quite fitting as a world demands more truth and networks tirelessly building on global awareness.  Perhaps for the first time we notice some results, as we did last year too, also a Metal year, as uprisings in Iran and now Eygpt are fueled by interactions on Twitter and Facebook. Communications have turned into communi-actions.

So every 12 years we have the same animal and every 10 years the same element for two years, but only every 60 years do we get a repeat of the element and the animal together. 12 years ago we had a year of the Earth Rabbit, the element before Metal,  but 60 years ago we had a Metal Rabbit,  bringing us back to the years 1999 and 1951.

What was happening in your life 12 years ago gives a small clue as to the type of year ahead for you this year. 12 years ago also coincides with the 12 year Jupiter cycle. 12 years ago Jupiter was also transiting Aries but not until May, therefore activating a certain part of your own astrology chart at that time. I know myself I started Astro studies for the first time, after many years of my own personal research and studies I decided I needed formal training and classes as there was only so much I felt could teach myself. Jupiter transited my own Aries Jupiter during that year. As Jupiter expands and enriches our experiences, have a look back 12 years ago to remind yourself.

60 years ago in 1951, the world was familiar with the president Harry Truman, Winston Churchill,  the Korean War,  and China as an aggressor against Tibet. Although the United Nations was formed a year before, the world was not at peace. Sadly 60 years later it seems like we haven’t moved too far along.

The Astrological Chart for this New Moon, also tells us a few things about the flavour of the Year of the Metal Rabbit. As we can see Jupiter – is still squaring the karmic Nodes, where are we all heading, where have we been, what does it all mean? These are the top questions in our mind. It’s decision time, moving forward and getting on with what must be done is imperative.  

The line up of Aquarian planets with a New Moon surrounded by Mars and Ceres, as the earth continues to be shaken by cyclones and volcanic eruptions, seems so symbolic of the uprisings of the earth’s people too.  Mars and Ceres ensure that people will be very focused on finally taking action, uprisings, protests and coups, as the Uranus and Pluto square gets tighter. With Jupiter in Aries and with Uranus soon moving into Aries March 12, and Neptune into Pisces mid April, the power of the masses will be unstoppable.

Venus in Sagittarius aligns to Mercury by semisextile,  Neptune by sextile, Uranus by square and Saturn by quintile (72 degree), putting a huge spotlight on "what we want". Being determined, Mercury in Capricorn, knowing what we want (Venus), not letting go of the dream, the ideal, (Neptune) taking and making radical change (Uranus) and  keeping this focus, Saturn rewards us by allowing it to happen, as the quintile represents a magical coming together. A clear picture of what we want, what we are fighting or standing up for is the key, as it seems evident and clear already to many what the world needs to get back on track.

Metal is strong and only malleable by fire, inspiration and spirit. Rabbits usually hop right away from danger and threat, we don’t want war, we want peace. We want food, shelter, water for ourselves and family, we want happy villages, organic carrots and fresh fields to roam in and most of all we seek truth from the top. The rabbit now wears Metal armour, we are more prepared to stand up for these things.

As we all move into this New Year, keep an eye on the end of the tunnel and what it promises. In 1951, 60 years ago,  Disney’s "Alice in Wonderland " was released, wouldn’t we all just love to go down the rabbit hole and escape to a better world. But as the white rabbit tells us, he has something very important to do, and must not be late, and the Metal Rabbit tells us to put on that metal coat, no fluffy stuff this year as we all get on with the Freedom, Peace and Justice quest.

Julija Simas for the C*I*A
Jan 2011

For more detailed personal astro analysis and chart readings please contact  Julija for effective, inspirational astrological guidance and advice.

More about Julija and Consultations please visit

For more info on the next few months and 2011 - see our You Tube Report -

Julija 0417 988 512
Or email

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jupiter into Aries Ingress 2011- The Quest- Get on with it!

Jupiter moved into Aries on Sunday 23rd Jan  2011,  4:11 am AEDT.  After the intensity of the full Moon it’s a welcome relief as we begin to feel tensions ease.

With the Sun now in Aquarius our focus moves to the future, enough of dwelling on the past and being so responsible, somehow we all know that we do that already and we’ve had enough of other people  constantly ruling our lives,  right!  We can so easily blame others for our setbacks, complain about how impossible it is for us to follow our dreams, or we are so attached to routines that we can’t seem to get out of them. Well now with Jupiter flying through Aries a great opportunity has presented itself to go ahead and get on with it..

So look ahead and get on with the journey, the quest for never ending self-fulfilment. That is what Jupiter asks for, expanding our horizons, enriching our experiences, moving with what drives us and doing what we believe is right and true. In Aries Jupiter seems quite wild and unstoppable, Aries fosters an adventurous spirit, an urge for new beginnings, starting projects . There’s been enough time spent contemplating,  wondering and procrastinating.  Jupiter’s time in Aries is like a Drive Thru, spending only 5 months in Aries, the opportunity is short lived but we can utilise these flamboyant energies to seriously move on with life's great adventure.

Jupiter spent a short time in Aries last June, July and August, but it’s expansive qualities were squashed by tensions and t - squares to Saturn and Pluto, this will happen again, not as a T-Square, but with an opposition to Saturn and a Square to Pluto, giving us a chance to experience one tension at a time. Of course that all depends on how your own astrology chart configures to these transits. On 26th Feb, Jupiter squares Pluto at 7 degrees Aries - Capricorn, a time when moving forward can be very much held up with a change in attitude to what we believe is possible. Perhaps a sense of fear as we may feel that things won’t be so easy to achieve unless we get past the issues of feeling justified in our quest. A month later on March the 29th we have the final opposition of Jupiter to Saturn  at 14 Aries - Libra – great!  This consolidates that the quest is real, and however hard you’ve worked seems to pay off and show some reward, that is if you have managed to be realistic about things. Otherwise this tipping point is like a hold up, saying get real or you can’t go on.

Speaking of possible hold ups due to Saturn's opposition, it seems quite fitting also, that just a few days after Jupiter move s into Aries, Saturn turns retrograde  and stays that way for Jupiters' stay in Aries. Another signal that this is a chance to get it right, hard work pays off,  make sure whatever your planning or thinking of, is very real, pie in the sky attitudes will just fall down.

The chart above shows what we call an Ingress chart, the timing of Jupiter’s entry in Aries, and astrologers look at these charts to consider the flavour of a planets stay in a sign. Jupiter in this Chart squares the Nodes, the point in a chart that represents the past and the future, karma and life's quest. As Jupiter squares these points we are reminded that this quick journey through Aries is about consolidating future plans, and being confronted to leave the past behind, incorporate it's wisdom and move forward with what we've learnt and exeprienced. Jupiter at this point suggests a few hold ups as we impatiently just want to move forward,  the past however can never be erased.

The Moon in Virgo is a clue here to clean up our act. A sign that sorting, sifting and tidying up some mess in our lives will help with gaining the freedom and the full experience of this Jupiter transit. The Moon here is aligned with Mercury and Pluto, showing that there are some very strong and compelling energies around to help us transform our thinking and change our minds about what’s most important,   no longer being scared to act upon them. If you’ve been having a hard time concentrating and streamlining thoughts and ideas, the opportunity is now being channelled.

 With Sun, Mars and Ceres in early Aquarius and Chiron and Neptune still in late Aquarius, we are being called to work together. Although Aries is a lone type of energy, with Mars the ruler of Aries being activated by Jupiter during this time in Aquarius reminds us hat the Aquarian spirit is strong. The spirit which carries us has a strong sense of wanting to help build fairer,  equal and more balanced communities, sustainable and resourceful economies and new energies that support Gaia, not rip her to shreads. This is a call for all of us to ask, demand and expect these sorts of things as normal parts of life and living here on earth. The earth belongs to all of us, not those that can afford to buy it up. With Pluto in Capricorn for 15 years this is a long term goal, one that has already started and is part of our common quest. Add these ideas and thinking into your own personal quest,  act as a responsible global citizen and see how much better that can make you feel.

Interestingly Venus in this chart in Sagittarius seems like a very fitting placement also as we think of the next few months. Venus in Sagittarius is adventurous and seeks the truth too. What we want is to be honest with ourselves and be guided by our own inner truth. We will all find it hard to be around others that don’t have an adventurous or enlightening spirit about them, we are not wanting to get caught up with negative and pessimistic attitudes and people if possible.

What could be more important than following the truth right now, from the inner to the outer, as the world around us and its' people stand up for what’s right. Jupiter is now an evening star big and bright in the evening sky, a good vision to contemplate as we consider our own quest for truth and what it means to live a more fulfilling life. Jupiter’s move into the beginning of the zodiac gives us all a chance to get on with it however wild or radical the ride may seem, we all need to fight for truth and justice, so put on the right boots, hang onto your hat, enjoy the ride and most of all make the most of it!

Julija Simas for the C*I*A
Jan 2011

For more info on the next few months and 2011 - see our You Tube Report -

For more detailed personal astro analysis and chart readings please contact  Julija for effective, inspirational astrological guidance and advice.

More about Julija and Consultations please visit

Julija 0417 988 512
Or email

Monday, January 17, 2011

Full Moon at 29 degrees Cancer Jan 19/20th 2011

As the week of the full moon approaches we find there will be another Full Moon occurring at 29 degrees, it will be the 4th one in a row occuring at what's known as a very unstable place. Since last October with the Moon at 29 Aries, then Nov at 29 Taurus, then  December at 29 Gemini (also an eclipse) and now this one at 29 Cancer and yet one more to go at  29 Leo on 18th Feb,   this series of 29 degree Full Moons has us all feeling a bit edgy.

It seems as though we’ve all been given a chance to tie things up, finish projects, plan new ones and generally go through a process of what to leave behind, get rid of that which no longer serves us well, from realtionships, jobs, friends and projects and plans. These 29th degree Full Moons build tension, and breed anxious feelings, with many of us feeling like we are on the edge of something new. Not an easy feeling generally, as the complexities of how to go about changing certain things in our lives, what to keep and what to get rid of, can be muddled with emotions and insecurities.

This is especially true for this Full Moon at 29 degrees of Cancer. With an exact aspect to Jupiter also on the edge of Pisces at 29 degrees, all is heightened, all is expanded, emotions ride high and all will be revealed as frustrations burst open in these watery realms. Take this potent opportunity to channel new beginnings, see things for what they really are and start or continue developing a picture of the road ahead. Be inspired and most of all use your intuitive gut feeling on how to go about things.

 With the Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn we all review our sense of achievement and where we stand in regard to family, respect and our place in the world and are forced to question if we feel comfortable with that. Think about that and see if your satisfied with your lot so to speak, if not what must be done?

As its seems the world seems on edge too. With Mars and Ceres now in Aquarius closely aligned to this Full Moon, the attitude is not completely selfish as we all struggle to see our place in this word. As the many communities around the globe recover from floods and devastation, wondering how we could possibly help it reminds us of what may be more important. With the crazy and diabolical weather patterns, and Jupiter now aligned with the fixed start Scheat again, we can expect more unsettled eruptions from Mother Earth. The weather is the planets way of being heard as a friend on Facebook wrote, and these reminders are here to set our collective focus back on track.

Mercury closely aligned with Pluto in solid and stable Capricorn, is a misnomer as nothing is solid around Pluto. But this is a sure sign of thinking deeply about things and even scaring yourself with where your thoughts can go. This all helps to work out where it is we have to go in order to manifest what we want in our lives and the world around us. Some of that is indeed frightening, as nothing in the world seems all that stable at the moment.

Jupiter will be moving into Aries very soon after the new Moon on the 23rd of January. It is the start of new beginnings. Jupiter will travel through Aries at a very fast pace over the next few months indicating that things will begin to be moving quicker than ever this year, so get ready. Start planning your great escape to more freedom in your life, stronger and more rewarding relationships and a passionate drive to be one of the Agents of change so needed in this world today.

For more detailed personal astro analysis and chart readings please contact  Julija for effective, inspirational astrological guidance and advice.

Julija Simas for the C*I*A
Jan 2011

Julija 0417 988 512
Or email

More about Julija and Consultations please visit

For more info on the next few months and 2011 - see our You Tube Report -

Monday, January 3, 2011

The new year begins off the eastern coast of  New Zealand, the next place on earth to experience New Year and the sound of Fireworks is the Eastern part of Australia with Time Zone – AEDT .

Most of the world is attuned to a New Year that begins on January 1st at 12:00am.
Astrologers would also consider the Aries Ingress, when the Sun starts it’s journey at the beginning of the Zodiac around the 21st – 22nd March every year.  Astro charts are looked at for this moment to consider the flavour of the year ahead and what it brings with it. It is nevertheless interesting to do this for the dawn of 2011.

The first very interesting point is that all major planets are in direct motion, no retrogrades, which seems like an indicator of a fast paced , action packed  year of getting on with it and feeling like things are finally moving ahead  and seeing progress in many areas. After the frustrations of the last year 2010, many will feel a sense of release as Jupiter and then Uranus move into Aries, late January then mid March, consecutively.

In Melbourne Australia  the year begins with a tight conjunction of the Moon and Venus both at 23 degrees Scorpio, intensity, and compelling connections, money making agendas and passionate interactions are on the cards. With  a good connection to Jupiter and Uranus, expect the unexpected and big events and developments in areas to do with loved ones, unloved ones and your need to perhaps change attitudes to money and partners. Jupiter and Uranus which will be exactly  conjunct in just a few days, add to the passionate and unforgiving movements to move you  to change and a more invigorated self. In Australia the value of our dollar will surely rise.

The Moon moves away from Venus during the course of New Years night, and will be in Sagittarius by the time New Year is celebrated on the west coast of  the USA, Canada and the Americas. This gives a clue for great leaps forward, the future is the most important thing now, keep your eyes on what’s ahead and how to make it happen. A balsamic Moon phase adding to nituring the seeds of the next cycle.

Venus also is in square aspect to Neptune and Chiron, oh the pain, the pain that’s has been eating away at us in so many different ways, may be the last stab we need to get us out of situations no longer good for us.

Venus now close to her most westerly  elongation as a morning star, being west of the sun in the eastern sky, exact on January 8th  is another indicator of being  stretched to the max. Mercury in Sagittarius helps us think ahead and not dwell on the past,  with Mercury rising before the Sun, a promethean attitude will help all to get on with it.

If you’ve been feeling like your commitments, your challenges, your achievements have  not been enough, respected, justified nor encouraged, with five planets in Capricorn and Mars in square aspect  to Saturn, this year will most certainly spur you on to jump ship or make positive movements to be more fulfilled and inspired, to act on your own behalf, to do things because you have the right to and to implement a more confident attitude about yourself and what your capable of.

All the above  will reflect in a world feeling and acting out the same,  people ready to make moves and act. With Uranus lining up at most Cardinal ingresses throughout the year at zero Aries, the place of complete , fresh and new beginnings, this year will be full of unprecedented change and a spirit of moving on and getting on with it. Enough of the complaining, the watching, the sensing and the noticing  of what’s been happening in the world around us, contemplating what needs to change. Now we just have to do it, no stopping the move to change in whatever shape that comes in.

In  a few days on Jan 4 an eclipse at 13 Capricorn intensifies the need to stand up and make a difference in the world around You, and the world around Us!. We can’t help and see how our leaders are hopeless at implementing, peace, equality and justice in our world. Is it time to change our focus on those we deem in charge and responsible, as their corrupt agendas reflect. We can do more ourselves no doubt, consciousness, awareness does and will reflect our leaders, and the next decade will certainly see many rises and falls, coups and revolutionary actions taken  as we ask for more inspired, useful , trusting and caring leaders to govern our world.

Ceres at 29 Capricorn , highlights the fate of Gaia, she’s in a bit of a mess, and in at an unstable degree, indicating more major earth hiccups and further wake up calls. Also in close contact to Uranus and Jupiter, the instability is accentuated.

Wherever you are in the world take on these thoughts and be encouraged to change, make moves to change your life in whatever way you need to.

From a global perspective, the line up of Planets in Capricorn together with an eclipse, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius and Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Libra all add to a theme of collective change, and building a better and fairer system. We are the creators and the shapers  of our common future and we all have the right and the responsibility to act accordingly. The material world we have built and the systems in place that ensure it’s workings are in for global transforming. We are all active global citizens and play a crucial role in this transformation. When we start doing this we take away the control that governments and money making elitist groups have over us, then we will see the change that we are wanting.

All the best for the New Year everyone!

For more info on the next few months and 2011 - see our You Tube Report -

Julija Simas
for the C*I*A